Showing posts from December, 2009Show All
I am a Christian

When I say..."I am a Christian" I'm not shouting "I'm clean living." I'm whispering "I was lost, now I'm found and forgiven." When I say... "I am a Christian" I don…

Sago worms, anyone??

During our recent trip to the weekly market (Tamu)at donggongon, Jerome stopped by at a stall selling sago worms . In our native language it is called " butod ". As he was negotiating with the seller I asked him what he…

Raw food diet

Most natural healing practitioner including homeopath encourage their patients to increase their intake of raw food to 75% in order to achieve optimum health. During an illness, correct nutrition will expedite healing. Even if yo…

A patient came to see me in the wee hour of the morning to get a fast relief of diarrhea. She said that she visited the toilet for more than 10 times the night before and was not able to sleep due to the problem. It must be somet…

Talking about natural food, my own family is the most difficult to convince of its goodness. They just love to eat what I would call 'junk food'. One thing that made it so difficult is that we love to go out to the mall e…