Sago worms, anyone??
During our recent trip to the weekly market (Tamu)at donggongon, Jerome stopped by at a stall selling sago worms. In our native language it is called "butod". As he was negotiating with the seller I asked him what he wanted to do with the butod. He said..."for you to cook!" I was flabbergasted! Actually the thought of eating butod has been on his mind eversince we had sago worms as one of the games during our daughter Joelle's birthday. Somehow it never occurred to me that Jerome would really want to eat them! After paying RM10 per packet of live sago worms he went on to tell me that sago worms are the cleanest 'animal' as they lives on eating sago only. Fyi, they are also very nutritious because of its high protein content.
At home, seeing the wriggling creatures Joelle was overjoy! She held, kissed, and played with them. These creatures don't smell at all. Frankly speaking, they are actually very clean...
You may wonder...did I really cook these wonderful creatures?? Yes, I did. But I didn't eat...I just can't...I felt gross...Jerome and kids ate them and they were in fact enjoyed the delicacy.
At home, seeing the wriggling creatures Joelle was overjoy! She held, kissed, and played with them. These creatures don't smell at all. Frankly speaking, they are actually very clean...
You may wonder...did I really cook these wonderful creatures?? Yes, I did. But I didn't eat...I just can't...I felt gross...Jerome and kids ate them and they were in fact enjoyed the delicacy.