Whenever you make beet root juice, always mix it with other vegetables or fruits. 2 oz of undiluted beet root juice is sufficient, about half of a piece of beet root depending on the size. Beet juice mixes well with carrot, cucumber and apple. Here, I replaced apple with sengkuang or jicama root as I prefer to use our local produce. Sengkuang is easily accessible here in this part of the country where I live. It is much cheaper and taste as good as apple.

Do not take beet juice in excess as it is a powerful kidney and blood cleanser. Just take 8 oz of  beet juice mixed with the above vegetables to be taken twice weekly. The iron content in beet root is not as high as other food but it is a high quality iron. This make it so easily and efficiently used by the body. Beet juice helps in building up the red blood cell count, liver and gallbladder problems, and in menstrual and menopausal disturbances.

Emm...this is my beet root juice. Very strong in taste, fresh and so delicious.

Note:  Recently it was reported that beet root juice is effective in reducing high blood pressure to normal level. Too good to be true...please check with your doctor before using this method to reduce blood pressure. You can also check Nitrate in beetroot juice lowers blood pressure, study finds for more information.