Time flies very fast especially when you're enjoying life! Indeed 2011 had been a great year for me. It had been a year of some accomplishments, disappointments and as well as frustrations. Looking back, somehow I’m glad that I experienced all the ups and downs of what 2011 had offered me and now I’m looking forward to another great year in 2012.
Another year means our age will advance to a year older (ha,ha) as I see it! Our biological clock never seems to stop working. Greying hairs, wrinkles, excess fats…you name it! Phoo…suddenly we realised that we are not as young as we used to be… ok, ok, I don’t want to sound so negative not with my 1st post of the year. Oops…
For this 2012, I’ve listed down very achievable resolutions. I do not want to end up feeling disappointed… (not cheating but more of being practical). Things that is important to me which I took for granted in the past. Among others I resolute that I will be more loving and forgiving to my family, especially my 3 children. I will not take things too seriously and to improve our communication. I resolute that I not only be a friend to them but be their best of friend! This year Aldo is turning 20, Jody 18 and my youngest will be 15. Gosh! Not an easy thing to do when your age is more than two decade apart but somehow this is achievable…
All the best to you all in 2012!